Wednesday, February 09, 2005

oF wOrdS aND sONgs...

id like to make you smile using my words, make you picture the good things i see in you and never wonder how such things could be possible. id like to sing to you for always and know that the moment i stop creating words will be the time i start making my music. id like to make u smile by my music. if i could, i would and never doubt for a single moment that such precious times could happen. that you can happen.
but as always, with all wishes, comes that tiny twinge of doubt. would i ever?
would i ever see you smile because i have been brave enough to be me? and learn in the end that the music that i will make soothes you? and that it will no longer bother you if i create words that doesn't make sense?
and with doubt comes fear, of all the things that could and never would happen because i simply stop believing. how sad it will be the moment i have run out of words to say. even heartbreaking when finally i'll find no meaning in all the songs i'll sing.
so how does these things end? does it ever have an ending?


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