Thursday, December 09, 2004


i could die here right now and no one will notice that im gone. im no one's breath of sunshine or sparkle of hope. i am no one's super hero. but sometimes, when the night comes and im all alone, i sometimes wish i am someone's somebody. few things only matter now a days and if given a chance to choose what i want, i want someone to need me. who will feel the lost if im gone, who'd cry if im hurt and dance when i've reached my dreams.
i am no one's somebody. i could die here and no one will notice. but if that happens, i will never ever know how to be a someone for somebody that matters. i will never know what a special smile looks like or that magic glance that tells you, you're special. yup, i could die here and no one will probably notice but if i wait for awhile perhaps in time, i'll be that someone for that somebody who's meant only for me.


Blogger mybooo said...

you'll have your friends around that notices if your not in the mood, hurt, or feel like crying.

and perhaps they would notice if ur gone coz no one will cry with them anymore, just kidding :D

12:55 AM  

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